
Friday, 7 December 2018

Number plates

Number plates Billie is designing, making and selling number plates. Each can have a maximum of six characters, numbers or letters. Billie cannot use plus and minus signs, or any other mathematical symbols. He can make 10 by using ‘10’ or by ‘TEN’. In how many ways can he make 12? What number less than 20 can be represented in the most ways?
  1. Sx ndsx          
  2. Sx ad sx         
  3. Twelve            
  4. Tw3lv3           
  5. 3333              
  6. Tw3lve
  7. Twelv3
  8. Tenad2
  9. Tennd2
  10. 14less2
  11. 7 ad 5
  12. 7 nd 5
  13. 6 and 6
  14. 12
  15. 9ad3
  16. 6. 3nd9
  17. Sx ad sx          
  18. Twelve            
  19. Tw3lv3           
  20. 3333              
  21. Tw3lve
  22. F1VEAD7
  23. F1VAD7
  24. 7ADFIV
  25. FIVAD7
  26. F1VND7
  27. FivND7
  28. Fivpl7
  29. 7pl5
  30. 7PlFiv
  31. 7PlF1Iv
  32. 222222
  33. 33321
  34. 21333
  35. 444
  36. 4422
  37. 2244
  38. 552
  39. 255
  40. 0012
  41. 00012
  42. 000012
  43. 12ad0
  44. 0ad12
  45. 12nd0
  46. 0nd12
  47. 16less4
  48. 18less6
  49. 20less8
  50. 1ad11
  51. 11ad1
  52. 1nd11
  53. 11nd1
  54. Doce
  55. 1b413
  56. 2b414
  57. 3b415
  58. 4b416
  59. 5b417
  60. 6b418
  61. 7b419
  62. 8b420
  63. 9b421
  64. 10b422
  65. 11b423
  66. 12b424
  67. 13b425
  68. 14b426
  69. 15b427
  70. 16b428
  71. 17b429
  72. 18b430
  73. 19b431
  74. 20b432
  75. 21b433
  76. 22b434
  77. 23b435
  78. 24b436
  79. 25b437
  80. 26b438
  81. 27b439
  82. 28b440
  83. 29b441
  84. 30b442
  85. 31b443
  86. 32b444
  87. 33b445
  88. 34b446
  89. 35b447
  90. 36b448
  91. 37b449
  92. 38b450
  93. 39b451
  94. 40b452
  95. 41b453
  96. 42b454
  97. 43b455
  98. 44b456
  99. 45b457
  100. 46b458